
Bad Credit Business Loans

We offer a lender program that offers 10-year term loans with monthly payments for merchants that are credit challenged whether credit score is under 600, discharged bankruptcies in the past, tax liens with payment plans just to name a few scenarios. We believe that all merchants should have the chance to get the funding that they need when they need it so they can live their dreams and meet their businesses needs and goals The following is what is needed to get funded and how things work from the time you apply and after you are funded:

Criteria and Funding

  • Online application completed
  • Complete last 4 months of the business bank statements
  • Copy business owner’s driver’s license
  • Copy of a voided check from account of business bank. Statements
  • Bank login in completed
  • Funding within 5 hours of submission
  • Monthly payment debited from merchants account  
  • This loan only is applicable in 30 states across the U.S. please contact us to see if your business is registered in a qualifying State.